Always Summertime (sung by Sarah Gregory)

I just wanted to post something less serious. I find this song rather catchy. In case you’re unfamiliar, Sarah Gregory is married to one of the Gregory brothers. She, along with the brothers, are the creators of Auto-Tune the News which is an awesome series of videos. I recommend it as your primary source of news.

If you enjoyed the accompaniment of the babies, the following is an earlier video featuring the babies.

Rand Paul: Racist or Radical?

This video provides a concise argument explaining why Rand Paul is a regressive asshat.

I don’t think he is a racist, but I suspect he might be racialist. If he isn’t either racist or racialist, I’m not sure he is radical either. The argument he proposed has been made many times before… even if not recently among respectable company.

One commenter to this video gave the best answer in saying that Rand Paul just seems ignorant of US history. Not racist or radical, just ignorant. Ya know, just another rich white guy blind to his own rich white guy privilege.