Monsanto is Safe and Good, Says Monsanto

Monsanto says its pesticides are safe. Now, a court wants to see the proof
by Carey Gillam

Heated debates over the safety – or lack thereof – of this popular pesticide have spanned the globe and sparked propaganda warfare with each side claiming the other has misrepresented the scientific record. Cancer victims allege Monsanto has “ghost” written research reviews, unduly influenced regulators and created front groups to falsely claim glyphosate safety. Monsanto, meanwhile, asserts multiple studies by international scientists are flawed and politically motivated, and says industry studies demonstrate the product is safe when used as intended.

EU Infiltrated by Pesticide Industry Plagiarizes Safety Study
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Controversy over glyphosate has reached an all-time high in the European Union (EU), after researchers accused the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) of plagiarizing a report supporting its safety. The plagiarized sections were largely lifted from a paper written by the pesticide industry, raising serious concerns about the legitimacy of the findings.

The scandal asserts that the German risk assessment of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, contains sections “copy pasted” from industry contributions, which likely influenced the EU’s favorable vote to renew the chemical’s license.

Scrutinise the small print of Eat-Lancet
by Joanna Blythman

But how has Eat-Lancet managed to finance all its slick promotional launches in no fewer than 40 countries? While the report was solely funded by the Wellcome Trust, the costly propaganda offensive appears to be bankrolled by the Eat Foundation, spearheaded by a Norwegian supermodel turned medic who is married to a billionaire. Eat has a partnership with Fresh, a body made up of 40 of the world’s most powerful corporations, a roll call of the big names in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, GM, and ultra-processed food. They include Bayer, which now owns Monsanto and its infamous Round-Up (glyphosate) pesticide, Big Sugar (PepsiCo), Big Grain (Cargill), palm oil companies, and leading manufacturers of food additives and processing aids.

Environmental champion Vandana Shiva, who has challenged the “plant-based is best” mantra, refers to them as, “the Poison Cartel”, companies “who have together contributed up to 50 per cent greenhouse gases, leading to climate change, and the chronic disease epidemic related to chemicals in food, loss in diversity in the diet, industrially processed junk food, and fake food.”

Shiva rightly accuses Eat-Lancet of “evading the glaring chronic disease epidemic related to pesticides and toxics in food, imposed by chemically intensive industrial agriculture and food systems.”

So before you swallow Eat-Lancet, as with any other commercially-driven food product, you might want scrutinise the label more closely. Caveat emptor: it might put you off.

Eat Lancet, a template for sustaining irony
by Stefhan Gordon

Bayer, which bought Monsanto, sells GMO seeds (esp. soy and corn with bioengineered stacked traits) as well as paired agrochemicals as do BASF and Syngenta . BASF is a big producer of mutagenic rice and wheat varieties and their paired pesticides. So no wonder rice, wheat, corn and soy as well as seed and soy oils are such a large part of this diet.

So no shortage of ironic bedfellows for a diet purporting to be “sustainable.”

from The EAT-Lancet Commission

FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) is an effort to drive the transformation of the food system and to create a set of business solutions for industry change.

Launched in January 2017, FReSH is a project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which brought together 25 WBCSD member companies to transform the food system. More than 30 companies are now part of this project…

FReSH works in partnership with EAT, the global multi-stakeholder platform for food system transformation, to ensure that business solutions are science-based.

9 thoughts on “Monsanto is Safe and Good, Says Monsanto

  1. It’d be very interesting to see what the CEO of Monsanto eats ….

    Well technically Monsanto was bought out by Bayer, but still, what the CEO of Bayer eats.

    • I doubt many of the CEOs, upper management, and investors of any of those transnationals backing EAT-Lancet are following the EAT-Lancet diet of mostly carbs and vegetable oils with a meager smattering of vegetables and almost no animal foods (not even eggs and dairy). Such hypocrisy would be typical. I’ve seen many examples of this kind of thing, as I’m sure you could come up with your own. It’s the same basic reason laws mostly apply to the poor, not the rich. So, why should their own dietary decrees apply to them any more than do laws?

      Ancel Keys didn’t follow the diet he recommended. The EAT-Lancet authors, although advocates of vegetarianism or veganism before collaborating on the report, admit that they don’t follow the diet that they think should be forced onto the whole world. Why don’t they try the diet and get back to us? If it is so wonderful, their testimony alone should convince the world to follow their example. But that isn’t the point. What this is about is social control and social engineering. Whether it is done with paternalistic good intentions or cynical social domination, it’s the same difference. They can go fuck themselves!

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